This Summer Lets Understand Oursleves

This Summer Lets Understand Oursleves

Self-Discovery- a journey that often gets neglected in hustle bustle and mad rush of things around. Recognizing the vital importance of self-discovery, Potli Productions conducted an engaging session for students (from 9th grade onwards) on June 1, 2024. This workshop…

Workshop on Resume Writing

Highlighting the critical role of impeccable resumes in landing that dream job, We at Worksop on Resume Writing Potli Productions conducted an engaging online session with students from GNK Group of Institutions. Mr. Praveen Dumpala , distinguished Alumni from IIM…

 Grand Parents Company

Grand Parents Company

By Indra Raina Someone has rightly said that a child without grandparents is like a bird without wings. A child without a grandmother is just like a paddy without water. The grandchildren are the recharging battery in the life of…