What Makes me “Me” workshops
Creative Story Building and Media Workshops are conducted with children in a very engaging and innovative manner. The workshops are designed to equip students to document some of the intricate elements of our culture that go unnoticed in the rush of our daily lives. Self-expression and lateral thinking are best seen in these sessions.
Mental Well Being and Counselling
Dedicated and customised career counselling sessions are designed for students. These include interactions with industry representatives, academicians, psychologists, and counsellors. The idea is to help students identify their abilities, aptitudes, and interests and accordingly map the kind of career options best suited to them. The sessions not only help break stereotypes but also equip students to explore emerging areas of work and technology. Besides the dedicated career counselling sessions, specific sessions related to issues like anxiety, stress management, etc. are conducted for the students. A series of such workshops spanning a period of time are conducted not only with students but also with parents to make the entire process collaborative and effective.
Nutrition Bank
This is an everyday challenge in most homes where children are not getting the right nutrition. The online platforms are flooded with customized diets, good-looking and interesting dishes for kids, and many more. But does all of this make sense to everyone? In some cases, not. A professional expert can help us understand this in a very simple and engaging manner. For this, we have started with an initiative called Nutrition Bank, where a professional expert helps you navigate through this myriad of information. The range of topics is varied and includes the right nutrition, busting myths, daily tips, and many others. The sessions are an interesting and out-of-the-box way of looking at our food tables.
Documenting Anecdotes of the Family
In the times when gifting is just a click of a mouse, we are creating a space where some interesting anecdotes about your family can be documented and create a memorable gift for your loved ones. Examples can be the journey of your parents, the growing years of your child, or any special memory. We will be happy to collate that in the best form for you.
Community Film screenings- Filmi Basta
The same film, when watched in a group, generates a different impact. Either a virtual or offline community screening of relevant films, including some of the critically acclaimed international films for different age groups on different thematic areas, will be done. In times, when the media spaces and content for different groups are getting blurred, it is important to maintain at least some dedicated space for kids and grandparents. Filmi Basta is an interesting platform for the same. We are also intending to do screenings of films made by kids during the media workshops to recognise and appreciate their efforts.