Potli, the name itself, reminds us of the umpteen memories of our childhood, a glimpse of our Dada Nani reciting stories, the famous song ‘Potli mai hare bhare…. aaya aaya chhenu wali jhunnu ka baba…’ from Aladin Stories, kids gazing at stars in the clear, dark sky, those favourite dishes that only our Nani used to make, and what not. In short, Potli Productions refers to everything that connects us to that child within.

What We Do

What Makes me “Me” workshops

What Makes me “Me” workshops

Mental Well Being and Counselling

Mental Well Being and Counselling

Nutrition Bank

Nutrition Bank

Community Film screenings- Filmi Basta

Community Film screenings- Filmi Basta

 Documenting Anecdotes of the Family

Documenting Anecdotes of the Family